Week 1 HACKS | Tools and DevOps

**Tools and DevOps**

Linux Shell and Bash


Review Tool Setup Procedures and think about some thing you could verify through a Shell notebook.

  • [ x ] Come up with your own student view of this procedure to show your tools are installed. It is best that you keep the few things you understand, add things later as you start to understand them.
  • [ x ] Name and create blog notes on some Linux commands you will use frequently.
  • [ x ] Is there anything we use to verify tools we installed? Review versions?
  • [ x ] How would you update a repository? Use the git command line?

Common Used

FastPages Commands:

make: run local server

make convert: checks to see if jupyter notebooks update

make clean: stops server and cleans temp files

make stop: stops the local server

git clone: clone a repo through terminal

code: open the cloned git repo from terminal

cd: change direct

ls: list

Checking Installed Tools

using ls and which to check

to see if Java is installed use java -version

to see if homebrew is installed use brew -version or brew list

rbenv versions

ruby -v

python –version

jupyter –version

use jupyter kernelspec list to check kernels

Updating Repository

To update a repository make sure to git pull first and then git push to push edits. Or you can open the source control to commit the changes.