APCSA Units 1-10 Notes
Unit 1: Primitive Types
- Introduction to Java programming language.
- Data types, variables, and literals (int, double, char, boolean).
- Arithmetic operators and mathematical operations.
- Type casting and type conversion.
- Basic input and output (using Scanner and System.out).
Unit 2: Using Objects
- Introduction to objects and classes.
- Creating and using objects.
- Object references.
- Constructors and methods.
- Static methods and variables.
- The String class and its methods.
- Wrapper classes for primitive types.
Unit 3: Boolean Expressions and If Statements ★
- Conditional statements (if, else if, else).
Logical operators (&&, |
, !). |
- Comparing values (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=).
- Nested conditionals.
- The switch statement.
- Conditional expressions (the ternary operator).
Unit 4: Iteration
- Introduction to loops (while, for, do-while).
- Loop control (break and continue statements).
- Loop patterns (counting, sentinel, and flag-controlled loops).
- Common loop algorithms (sums, averages, searching, and sorting).
Unit 5: Writing Classes
- Designing and implementing custom classes.
- Instance variables and methods.
- Encapsulation and access modifiers (public, private).
- Constructors and overloading constructors.
- The this keyword.
- The equals method and the toString method.
- The compareTo method.
Unit 6: Array Lists
- Introduction to ArrayLists.
- Adding, modifying, and removing elements.
- Traversing and searching within ArrayLists.
- Enhancing the ArrayList class.
- Using enhanced for loops.
- Two-dimensional arrays.
Unit 7: Arrays of Objects ★
- Arrays of objects and references.
- Sorting and searching arrays of objects.
- Implementing classes with array attributes.
- Multidimensional arrays.
- The ArrayList class compared to arrays.
Unit 8: Classes and Objects
- Design principles for classes.
- The use of static and instance variables.
- The static keyword and static methods.
- Constructors in classes.
- Access modifiers (public, private, protected).
- Object-oriented design and UML diagrams.
Unit 9: Inheritance
- Inheritance in object-oriented programming.
- Extending and inheriting from classes.
- Overriding methods.
- Polymorphism and dynamic method binding.
- Abstract classes and interfaces.
- Implementing multiple interfaces.
- Using the super keyword.
Unit 10: Recursion ★
- Introduction to recursion.
- Recursive methods and their structure.
- Recursive algorithms for solving problems.
- Base cases and recursive cases.
- Recursion vs. iteration.
- Recursive sorting algorithms (e.g., Merge Sort).
Unit 11 : xxx