Plans of the Week

Console Game Hacks

  • Make RPS, Tic-Tack-Toe, and Higher Lower into different cells and objects. Document each cell in Jupyter Notebooks. 8/29
  • Simplify logic, particularly T-T-T. What could you do to make this more simple? Java has HashMap (like Python Dictionary), Arrays (fixed size), ArraLists (Dynamic Size). 8/29
  • Run the menu using recursion versus while loop. Try to color differently. 8/29
  • Look over 10 units for College Board AP Computer Science A. In your reorganized code blocks and comments identify the Units of Code Used. 8/29
  • Answer why you think this reorganization and AP indetification is important? 8/30

Java Hello Hacks

  • Explain Anatomy of a Class in comments of program (Diagram key parts of the class). 8/28
  • Comment in code where there is a definition of a Class and an instance of a Class (ie object) 8/28
  • Comment in code where there are constructors and highlight the signature difference in the signature 8/28
  • Call an object method with parameter (ie setters). 8/28