Describe the different parts of an algorithm, sequencing, selection, and iteration in the image below
- Set item to number to search for.
- Get text number in the list.
- If number = item, display "item found"
- If he are more numbers in the list, go back to Step 2
- Display "item found"
- Sequencing: order of how to do a process
- Selection: allows algorithm to make a decision based on the status [if a condition is met]
- Iteration: loop
Evaluate the arithmetic expression for this code
num1 = 5
num2 = num1 * 3
num3 = num2 / num1 * (9 % 2) * 4
result = (num3 % num1 + num2) % num3 * 3 / 5
Finish the crossword puzzle
- Iteration
- Selection
- Sequence
string1 = "degree"
string2 = " passenger"
FinalString = string1 + string2
- The length of the string
- False
print("Hello World"[3:8])